Thank you God for the Farmer's Almanac! Did you know that they still publish the moon phases and planetary transitions? This information was used traditionally (and still today in some biodynamic farming practices) to schedule ideal planting, and harvesting days. We use the lunar calendar in our own schedule to pick the best times to harvest our plants, and create products. It was a bit tricky to get into the rhythm of a lunar cycle at first, but I believe it adds a really special element to our products.

It's clear that nature functions in daily, monthly and yearly cycles. These cycles are in synchronistic flow with the rhythm of the universe. We can see this rhythm when we observe the growth cycle of plants, the movement of the tides and the behavioural patterns of animals however, many of us feel that these rhythms either do not affect us, or that we are somehow out of sync.
It's self-evident that being ‘in sync’ or in ‘the flow’ feels good and being ‘out of sync’ does not. We experience this when we dance, participate in a drum circle, play music or sport. On a physiological level your body is also constantly responding to your environment. For example, when you have a connected conversation with someone, your brain waves will literally fall into sync. Being ‘in sync’ is a natural state and your physical environment has the greatest impact on which rhythms your body will lock into sync with. This natural phenomena is called entrainment.
Entrainment is a phenomena observed not only in nature, but also in areas of sound (called resonance) and electronics; anything that oscillates, vibrates or has rhythm-which is everything in the universe-is affected by entrainment. Many of us spend considerable amounts of time inside, near to or engaging with electrical oscillating equipment and artificial lighting. These unnatural rhythms can alter our natural body rhythms. How?
Entrainment occurs wherein the rhythm of one system causes another system to fall into synchronism with. Author, Itzhak Bentov illustrates this concepts with an example. If one were to place many pendulum-type clocks, all swinging at different rates into a room together and those clocks were left undisturbed over a period of time, all of the pendulums would eventually swing at the exact same rate. I actually haven’t done this experiment, but I totally want to…
Ok, but here’s to good news (cause you probably spend a fair—a lot—of time around electronics…)The system with the higher rate or state of energy is the system that becomes the ‘pace-setter’. But the bad news is that although the rhythm of the universe is vastly larger and higher vibration than anything else you can be exposed to, unfortunately it is not the rhythm that we are all attuned to.
How do you know if you are in a natural rhythm? For women, the clues are easier to discern. The natural rhythm of the menstrual cycle in sync with the lunar cycles, and there is evidence that fertility rates are entrained based on the lunar cycle. Your sleeping rhythm is another clue. The benefits of regular and sufficient sleep are well known and echo the daily rhythm of the sun. Estimates of sleep disorders amongst North Americans range from 20-50% and are understandably much higher amongst night shift workers. Other physiological indicators of your rhythm include measures of heart rate variability and regular digestion. So what can you do if you feel you are in an unhealthy rhythm?
Below are a few tips for attuning to a more natural rhythm. They’re simple and the best news is that a healthy rhythm will build on itself. As you entrain your biological rhythms to the rhythms of the universe your system will become stronger and more resilient.
Spend time outside. 45 minutes, is the ideal amount of time to activate your pineal gland which is situated in the centre of your head. Called your ‘eye to the sky’ this is one of your most important endocrine glands and is hugely important for regulating and improving your emotional state.
Have an awareness of the rising and setting of the sun and moon. Take advantage of technology here, there are plenty of great apps that give you all of this information right on your phone. By simply taking note of when there’s a full moon or when the sun sets allows your consciousness to attune to these rhythms. Extra points if you can take a walk at, or around sun rise or sun set. I find this practice is especially helpful to ameliorate jet lag.
Eat local food. Food that is grown near to where you live will be in sync with the same moon and sun cycles to which your body is entrained to.
Spend time in nature. The strong harmonious rhythm of time in nature with entrain your own physiological systems.
Sleep in a dark room. The darker the better. Eliminate all sources of light as your body is sensitive enough to respond to even a single photon of light. Many of your biological systems use periods of dark as their pace-setter so ensuring regular period of complete darkness will help to build a strong rhythm. As well, complete darkness allows your body to absorb cosmic light (a specific wavelength of light) which is important for sustaining and replenishing your light force energy.
Bonus Tip: Try our Clear Connection Intuitive Clarity Room & Body spray to assist you to get grounded, tuned-in and stay in the flow
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