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Mother's Day - A Celebration of Love, Blessings and Joy

Updated: Feb 18

Mother’s Day is an international celebration. Though the exact timing of this celebration varies, it's always in the spring, and a time when we honour our mothers and express our love and gratitude.


Interestingly, in Greek mythology, there was a spring celebration that revolved around Rhea, who was Mother Earth’s daughter. Rhea was the mother of the Gods and represented nature and fertility.


In France, this day of celebration was initiated by Napoleon in 1806. A century later, when birthrates were declining, the government made this celebration official to honour mothers and focused on mothers who had very large families. In 16th century England, Mothering Sunday, fell on the fourth Sunday of Lent, and was a time for people to return to their mother church. In Japan, Mother's Day was established in the 1930’s and is celebrated on March 6.  And in the western world, this day was originally established by Anna Jarvis, who promoted friendship and health. In honour of her own mother’s memorial in 1907, Mother’s Day was first acknowledged as a holiday in West Virginia.


This international celebration of creation is a beautiful thing. The very act of bringing a soul into life is a miracle. And because of this miracle we are energetically connected to our mothers, which creates a soulful contract that establishes the beginning of our spiritual journey. No matter how your relationship develops, it is essential to understand that it started with a spark and the purity of love. Mothers have an innate sense to nurture, protect, teach and support; it is a beautiful and wonderful gift.

Elixirs for Life has hand crafted three of our favourite candles into unique votives that make a beautiful gift for Mother's Day. These candles represent a gift of unconditional love, new life and joy.  



Elixirs for Life is a sweet, local store here in Calgary that I've visited for a few years now. They are creating a whole new category of candles. Instead of being overwhelmed by artificial scents, EFL has created 2 beautiful candles that impart the energetic qualities of the essential oils they contain.    



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